Miles Richardson

PhD Candidate
Harris Wang Lab

Microbial Ecology of the Human Microbiome

Microbial Similarity between Students in a Common Dormitory Environment Reveals the Forensic Potential of Individual Microbial Signatures

Miles Richardson, Neil Gottel, Jack Gilbert, and Simon Lax
mBio, 2019 10 (4)

Concurrent measurement of microbiome and allergens in the air of bedrooms of allergy disease patients in the Chicago area

Miles Richardson, Neil Gottel, Jack Gilbert, Julian Gordon, Prasanthi Gandhi, Rachel Reboulet, Jarrad T. Hampton-Marcell
Microbiome, 2019 7:70

Analysis of 16S rRNA genes reveals reduced Fusobacterial community diversity when translocating from saliva to GI sites

Miles Richardson, Jihui Ren, Mara Roxana Rubinstein, Jamila A. Taylor , Richard A. Friedman, Bo Shen & Yiping W. Han
Gut Microbes, 2020 12:1

Things I've Done

While my research is important, I also do other things. Here are some of the recent ones.

Chief Organizational Officer
Columbia Researchers Against Coronavirus (CRAC)

With the beginning of lockdown in NYC, I was stuck at home and wanted to do anything I could to help fight the pandemic. I was lucky enough to get involved in Columbia Researchers Against Coronavirus (CRAC), a group of postdocs, graduate students, and researchers who were able to help fight the pandemic. As COO, I was responsible for making sure the organization was functional, especially since we grew exponentially over our first month, from 1 to over 200 individuals.

Columbia University Graduate Student Organization

Student government is a clearinghouse for all sorts of things at CUMC. We plan orientation and recruitment for incoming students and recruits, create and run both regular and irregular social events, and support other student organizations. I started on the social committee and have occupied 3 separate positions over the years. My goal in the student government is to make it more nimble and accountable to membership. We have increased our outreach and expanded our programming. One of our first initiatives was to simply document our positions, as new members would previously have to spend months just figuring out their roles before they could do anything!

Columbia University Science Honors Program

This is personal for me, as I took part in this program when I was in High School. SHP gives highschoolers a chance do engage more directly with science, and often those that actually do it. I was lucky enough to be able to talk about my microbiome research, first in a standalone course, and now as part of a Bioinformatics course. Favorite lectures/discussons include the discussion of the links between taxonomic thinking and modern racism, and being able to get high schoolers programming and using modern tools becasuse of open source software.

Get in touch

You may want to contact me for some reason. Feel free to do so by email.

  • Address

    Columbia University
    3960 Broadway
    Lasker Rm 203B
    New York, NY 10032